Pedagogy Hunt 3: Deeper learning.
A Rich Seam : How New Pedagogies Find Deep Learning; Fullan, Michael & Langworthy, Maria, (2014)
A really long but interesting report here (full report embedded below) that despite feeling a little too biased and a little too much like it was desperatley trying to sell these new pedagogies at all costs, does actually help me think that part of my project can use this type of 'deep learning' pedagogy as there is significant overlap with what i am trying to do with elements of curation pedagogy and independent background culture work.
digital access is freeing teaching and learning from the constraints of
prescribed curricular content. These forces drive changes in the roles and
relationships of students and teachers, among teachers, and within
organisational systems... Helping students learn about themselves as
learners and continuously assess and reflect upon their own progress is
essential to this process. The new pedagogies, as we will describe them,
require students not only to create new knowledge, but also to connect it to
the world, using the power of digital tools to do things that matter beyond
school. It is through this final step of ‘doing’ things with knowledge that
students gain the experience, self-confidence, perseverance and proactive
disposition they need to create value in our knowledge-based, technology-driven
societies. "
"Everything else has accelerated but
schools have not; so schools have become more disconnected. The walls between
schools and the outside need to be more permeable"
Interview with Larry Rosenstock, CEO of High Tech High Network, San
Diego, California
By contrast, in the new pedagogies model, the
foundation of teacher quality is a teacher’s pedagogical capacity – their
repertoire of teaching strategies and their ability to form partnerships with
students in mastering the process of learning. Technology in the new
model is pervasive and it is used to discover and master content knowledge and to enable the deep learning goals of
creating and using new knowledge in the world.
First, this model
is new because it aims to achieve deep learning goals that involve the creation and use of new knowledge in the
real world. Second, this model becomes manifest in the new learning
partnerships that emerge between and among students and teachers when the learning process becomes the focal point for
the mutual discovery, creation and use of knowledge. Third, this model responds
to and is enabled by digital access inside and
outside of schools.
This is useful for this project as it highlights the needs for my students to actually 'do' something with their cultural background knowledge. My project will not be successful if I just ask students to learn new knowledge to replace gaps in theirs cultural background, they need to create something new that is potentially useful or related to their everyday lives.
A good outline is here:
Pg 7:
New Pedagogies
The new pedagogies are not as simple as ‘flipped’
classrooms or MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) where content information and
existing knowledge are ‘delivered’ online rather than through textbooks or live
in classrooms. As Will Richardson17 bluntly puts it, “simply adding a layer of expensive
tools on top of the traditional curriculum does nothing to address the learning
needs of modern learners.” The new pedagogies are much more than the ‘flipped
model’ and other ad hoc innovations. They are substantially more complex:
• The explicit aim is deep learning that goes beyond the mastery of
existing content knowledge. Here, deep learning is defined as ‘creating and
using new knowledge in the world.’ Technology has unleashed learning, and the
potential for students to apply knowledge in the world outside of school; new
pedagogies leverage all of this in the formal learning process.
• Teaching shifts from focusing on covering all required content to
focusing on the learning process, developing students’ ability to lead their
own learning and to do things with their learning. Teachers are partners with
students in deep learning tasks characterised by exploration, connectedness and
broader, real-world purposes.
• Learning outcomes are measured in terms of students’ 1) capacities to
build new knowledge and to lead their own learning effectively, 2) proactive
dispositions and their abilities to persevere through challenges, and 3) the
development of citizens who are life-long learners.
Many of the
teachers we interviewed had students who were no longer willing to accept the
role of being passive receivers of learning defined by someone else. Young
people are now digitally connected to overwhelming amounts of information and
ideas. Amid this, students greet teachers’ attempts to deliver content
knowledge using traditional didactic approaches with scepticism. In particular,
once they have mastered basic skills, students know there is so much more ‘out
there’ and are unimpressed by pre-packaged, depersonalised learning
experiences. But at the same time, teachers cannot simply let go of the
Deep learning tasks re-structure learning activities from a singular
focus on content mastery to the explicit development of students’ capacities to
learn, create and proactively implement their learning. In their most effective
instances, deep learning tasks are:
1. guided by clear and appropriately challenging learning goals, goals
that ideally incorporate both curricular content and students’ interests or
2. include specific and precise success criteria that help both teacher
and student know how well goals are being achieved.
3. incorporate feedback and formative evaluation cycles into the
learning and doing processes, building students’ self-confidence and ‘proactive
**** pg23
Create and Use
New Knowledge
Both in theory and in the practical examples we have
seen, deep learning tasks involve knowledge construction.40 Knowledge
construction, in our terminology, means students creating knowledge that is new
to them rather than reproducing or applying existing knowledge.
This process, she said, was how every teacher worked, using the content
materials and assessments provided in standard textbooks. Both her role and her
students’ roles were to reproduce that existing content knowledge. In deep
learning tasks, the goal is to develop new knowledge, through the integration
of prior knowledge with ideas, information and concepts, into a wholly new
product, concept, solution or content. In good deep learning tasks, students
also go beyond creating new knowledge to doing something with it – to using that new knowledge in the world. In
this sense, deep learning tasks have a constructivist orientation, with an
emphasis on the application of new
knowledge in real contexts.
****Pg 33:
strategically integrated with the other core components of the new pedagogies, unleashes deep learning. When pedagogical and deep learning capacities are
clearly defined and developed, digital tools and resources enable the: 1)
discovery and mastery of new content knowledge; 2) collaborative, connected
learning; 3) low-cost creation and iteration of new knowledge; 4) use of new
knowledge with authentic audiences for “real” purposes; and 5) enhancement of
teachers’ ability to put students in control of the learning process,
accelerating learner autonomy.58
Connected Learning
Pervasive access to digital tools and resources makes
deep learning more possible through broadening the time and space in which
students can connect with teachers, peers and others for idea generation,
feedback, expertise and the assessment of progress. This inherently makes the
learning process more social, which connects the learning process with modern
research and theories on how people learn.61
In its effective versions, new pedagogies should help
students develop over time as independent, autonomous learners able to
effectively design, pursue and achieve their own learning goals and personal
aspirations as well as master curricular learning goals. But this doesn’t
happen by itself. The ultimate goal for teachers, as John Hattie has described,
is to “help students to become their own teachers.”69 (hattie 2012)
Let us be clear that we are not arguing for the teaching and learning of
‘generic’ deep learning skills i.e. teaching ‘collaboration’ or ‘knowledge
construction’ outside a content domain. We are saying that when the learning
process is designed in a way that requires content mastery in order for
students to create and use new knowledge, both students’ content knowledge and their deep learning skills are developed.
You don’t develop collaboration skills by talking about collaboration in the
abstract; you develop them by collaborating on issues and problems of substance
that require content knowledge. Hattie’s research shows that developing deep
learning skills without grounding them in real content will not work.
New learning partnerships between teachers and students are the
essential foundations for effective new pedagogies. These partnerships are
beginning to emerge naturally as digital access opens the door to broader and
more varied sources of content knowledge. As bored students and alienated
teachers seek greener pastures, the new learning is a natural attraction.
Students begin to take part in defining learning goals, connecting the learning
to their own interests and aspirations and becoming more active observers and
guides to their own and to their peers’ learning and progress. Deep learning
tasks build upon the foundation of the new learning partnerships. They
challenge students to construct knowledge and begin to use their ideas in the
real world. In the process, they develop key skills and the experience of doing
‘knowledge work’
• Begin to practice a partnering approach to learn
from and with your students.
• Make sure you know your students’ aspirations and
• Identify the deep learning tasks that are taking
place in your school or broader community.
• Begin
to redefine your learning tasks for and with your students, building in more opportunities for knowledge construction,
problem-solving and implementation in the real world, and connecting the tasks
to students’ aspirations.
• Collaborate
with other teachers and stakeholders on what is working to engage and advance student learning.
• Push
your colleagues and the principal in the direction of the new pedagogies linked
to deep learning.
These first two bullet points here are of particular relevance to my project, a partnership project, understanding student background and inspirations are central to what i am investigating.
The rest of teh article is below
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