Interview Research: Staff Cultural Capital Interview 1 - Alice Clark
Do students lack cultural capital?
"By and large our students do lack cultural capital"
"I feel the lack of it more the older they are.. that might be because of the demands of the exam"
New changes to the English Curriculum:
"It definitely gives an advantage to the more well read student... why else would you broaden that scope of context?"
Alice talks about an excellent example of the new specifications requirement for context around Macbeth as a hero in relation to other Hero characters (see below)
Alice referred to the changes to the new English specification that has made a concerted effort to broaden the "scope and range" of the marks awarded for context. A couple of screenshots from the new document are below. But this clearly highlights some of the cultural capital that students may need in order to tackle the new curriculum.
AO3- Context is now 15% of the marks for the overall qualification. A significant amount.
A sample question below highlights some of the specific cultural knowledge required when answering a question around Macbeth:
The full document can be found here:
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