Student Interview 3: Student G

This student interview is with an extremely high achieving student who many teachers would consider to be one who definitely has 'cultural capital'. He is from a very well educated family of Irish/ British heritage.

Interestingly this student feels that their cultural capital is "a bit unfair"

Why is having cultural capital an advantage?:
When referring to feminist texts and the issues around them the student points to examples of how reading the guardian has helped him understand the wider context to books he read in English.

"I have an advantage for whom my parents are.. they both went to oxford and are both knowledgeable guardian readers"

He also pointed to the experience of reading from a very young age.. but also points out how he is "ignorant of a lot of popular culture" so feels he has gaps in his knowledge here.

The only thing he watches on TV however is Eurovision! Its not clear whether this can be considered 'cultural capital' or not !!


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